Urgent Request for Hygiene Kits

Urgent Request for Hygiene Kits

Friends, In recent months the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex has become a way station as migrant families move from the southern border to meet their sponsors or families elsewhere across the country. Often, they arrive on short notice, are dropped off at one of two...
New Arrivals: Grace Resource Center

New Arrivals: Grace Resource Center

New Discipleship Practices curriculum is now available at the Grace Presbytery Resource Center!The first three units of Presbyterian Publishing Corporation’s new unit-based discipleship practices curriculum, Follow Me, are now available for purchase from the...
Presbytery Action regarding latest COVID-19 Data

Presbytery Action regarding latest COVID-19 Data

The stated meeting of the Grace Presbytery Council was held Tuesday, August 10 via Zoom. Rev. John Williams served as moderator.Presbytery Council acted on behalf of Grace Presbytery in accordance with Standing Rule 1.4.9: “In the event of a natural disaster, a state...