Youth Ministry
youth Ministry LEADERS

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YOUTH Ministry

Upcoming Events

02novAll Day03Waves of Grace Youth EventGilmont Camp & Conference Center

24janAll Day26SHYC

28marAll Day30GAP

At Grace Presbytery, our vision is to create a thriving youth ministry program that is:


Bringing individuals, congregations and the presbytery together in ministry.


Building strong relationships among all those who have been connected.


Strengthening the lives and faith of young people and those who lead young people, through opportunities for learning, prayer and service.


Praying regularly for one another and for the ministry of the church.


Helping young people, and those who lead young people, apply faith to everyday life in the church and the world.


Get in touch.

General Inquiries

Jen Bluestein

Coordinator of Generational Leadership Development, Grace Presbytery

Youth Ministry Committee

Sue Suneson

Grace Presbytery