Grace Presbytery’s Congregational Support Committee sponsored a workshop Summer Outreach for Kids: VBS and Beyond on Saturday, February 23 in conjunction with the presbytery meeting the same day at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church.

Workshop leaders Beth Fultz (St. Stephen/Fort Worth), Kathy McCarron (NorthPark/Dallas), Ann Nielsen (Preston Hollow/Dallas), and Leah Wyckoff (Grace Presbytery Staff) led participants from ten presbytery congregations in exploring the why, who and how of planning summer events geared to children and youth.


The workshop leaders also appreciated the assistance and contributions of James Hilliard from Camp Gilmont.

Attendees had a wide range of experience levels with VBS and summer events — from one person who has directed VBS for 25 years to a person who has never done it and everything in between. Everyone learned some new ideas and approaches, and many participants shared ideas from their own experience, as well.



Feedback from participants indicated that the workshop content was very helpful as their congregations are beginning to plan events for this summer.

As a reminder, Grace Presbytery’s Resource Center has curriculum and resources available for planning VBS and summer events. These can be requested via the online catalog or by contacting Resource Center Director Leah Wyckoff.

If you were not able to attend the workshop, handouts and printed resources are available for download via our Google drive.