General Presbyter Candidate, Christopher Lee

General Presbyter Candidate, Christopher Lee

With great joy and hopeful anticipation, the General Presbyter Search Committee has announced its nominee, Rev. Christopher M. Lee, to serve as General Presbyter of Grace Presbytery. The search committee received inquiries and applications from every region of the...
Stated Clerk Candidate, Kyle Walker

Stated Clerk Candidate, Kyle Walker

With the approval of Presbytery Council as their nominee, the Stated Clerk Search Committee has announced the candidate, Rev. Dr. Kyle Walker, for the position of Stated Clerk of Grace Presbytery. Kyle received his M.Div (Global Mission and Evangelism) from Louisville...
Notice: Called Meeting of Grace Presbytery

Notice: Called Meeting of Grace Presbytery

Greetings,As the Spirit moves, and with great anticipation, we share the following details with you and your congregation. It is the combined work and shared call of our search committees, council members, and the presbytery as a whole, that brings us to this exciting...