Notice of Program Cancellations

Notice of Program Cancellations

February 26, 2021 Greetings my friends, With much thought and prayer, the presbytery’s Children & Youth Ministry Committee has decided to cancel the spring 2021 KidQuake events and GAP Weekend. We have carefully reviewed the available information from...
Weather-Related Emergencies

Weather-Related Emergencies

Updated February 26, 2021, to include damage report, emergency funding documents, and additional resources.Dear Grace Presbytery Community, We have all been affected to varying degrees by the latest crisis of this polar vortex. We are dealing with great loss ─ loss of...
Living in Liminal Space

Living in Liminal Space

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” ─ Proverbs 3:5-6 As I begin my ministry among and with you, I do so with life on so many levels in transition. We are transitioning to a hopefully safer COVID world with vaccines on the...
Resource: A Lenten Journey

Resource: A Lenten Journey

Welcome to A Lenten Journey! This resource is designed for use during the six weeks of Lent. Created by a team of educators from Grace Presbytery, A Lenten Journey highlights a different prayer practice each week of Lent with suggestions for adapting each prayer for...