Responding to Disaster

Responding to Disaster

Tornados, hurricanes, fires, floods, hailstorms, pandemics. Disasters can strike anywhere and any time of the year. How will we respond? The Congregational Support Committee is organizing a Grace Presbytery Disaster Response Team (DRT) to help us prepare for and...
Welcoming Steve Shive in 2021

Welcoming Steve Shive in 2021

Together with the Personnel Committee, Grace Presbytery Council is excited to announce the arrival of interim general presbyter, Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Shive, effective January 15, 2021. In anticipation of Steve’s arrival early next year, he has shared a...
21-Day Racial Equity Challenge

21-Day Racial Equity Challenge

You are INVITED to join the Grace Presbytery 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge sponsored by the Grace Presbytery Social Justice Task Force This Challenge begins Monday, January 18, 2021 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) [NOTE: the challenge will overlap, but not conflict or...
An Invitation: Gather in Mission

An Invitation: Gather in Mission

The Social Justice Task Force of Grace Presbytery wants to invite you, and all the folks in your congregation, to join us in gathering once more—this time to bridge the Trinity River and feed the hungry this Advent. Come join the work and ministry of St. Luke...